Corporate Wellness and Wellbeing: A Relation Beyond the Paycheck

It goes without saying that a company’s success depends heavily on the performance of its employees. Having a focused and happy workforce is an essential factor for promoting productivity. It is crucial for the corporations to ensure that their employees’ physical wellness and mental wellbeing are well taken care of. With a lifestyle consisting of busy schedules, frequent meetings, and takeout meals in between, the health of your employees are directly affecting the productivity of your business.
A Strategic Investment:
Think of your employees’ wellness as a strategic investment which will give you a leg up against your competitors. If you put in time and money into something, you expect a better return on investment – here, it is on your employees’ health and wellness that will reduce their stress, lessen their anxiety, make them more focused, therefore, reducing absenteeism due to illness and poor health. This will ensure employee satisfaction, thus reflecting its benefits on your bottom line.
Your employees spend a good chunk of their days, close to 50 hours, at their workplace, and consume at least a third of their meals at the office. It only makes sense that this environment should be welcoming, where they feel valued, where they are emotionally nurtured, and feel comfortable, overall. In other words, the workplace acts as their second home.
Reasons to look into corporate wellness and wellbeing:
Increased productivity: An employee may be physically present at their workplace, but does not feel motivated or driven to put in their best at work. This will have serious and direct ramifications on your business turnover. Not only are you spending time and money in vain on your employees to get the desired job done, but they are also less likely to finish the work within the deadline, or even worse, might hand in a job that is subpar. This reinforces the fact that companies must focus on corporate wellness and wellbeing for a workforce with less stress and anxiety and a better performance.
Improved workforce: Companies spend a good chunk of their monetary value on hiring new candidates and training them to become efficient employees, thus, spending more than the annual pay of each employee. It only makes sense to retain those employees for longer periods of time in order to get the most out of your investment. Investing in corporate wellness and wellbeing will elevate their sense of professional wellbeing and save you, the employers, the hassle and cost of going through the arduous process of hiring and training candidates over and over.
Reduced Healthcare Cost: A recent study at states that companies which invest in corporate wellness and wellbeing spend less on healthcare cost, insurance claims, and have
shown dramatic declines in employee sick leaves. This is extremely beneficial for your company because not only is the workforce staying focused and engaged at work, thus boosting your productivity, but they are also reducing the withdrawals on medical claims. As it turns out, corporate wellness and wellbeing programme is a gift that keeps on giving.
Reduction in Paid-Time-Off: Did you know that seemingly minor illnesses like headaches, flu, fever, cold and cough, stomach flu, can sometimes be the physical manifestations of mental pressures like stress and anxiety. And these are also the leading causes for employees abstaining from work. Or they might turn up, but might end up working way below their expectations. This pseudo-presence is helping no one and costing you, the employer, their time, money, and productivity.
Caring Nature: The Leading Name in Corporate Wellness and Wellbeing
As it turns out, health IS wealth. Literally. And to help you navigate the journey through it, Caring Nature offers highly efficient and customised corporate wellness programs which have helped so many people in their journey. (Read reviews here) Here is how Caring Nature is a step above:
Highly Qualified and Experienced Professionals: Caring Nature offers a host of services which can be customised to suit your specific goals. Our highly acclaimed and extremely qualified team of lifestyle coaches are internationally accredited and acclaimed. They regularly upskill themselves to stay updated with the ever-emerging and complex wellness and lifestyle problems to find relevant solutions, thus, offering unique and beneficial services.
Holistic and psychoemotional healing: It is a good idea to take up walking during your lunch break, or cutting back on caffeine consumption, or maybe swapping those sugary drinks with a fruit smoothie. But, do you really feel motivated to do those? Caring Nature not only offers recommended and recognised methods to reach corporate wellness and wellbeing, but also provides tools to our clients to practice wellness by including it into their current lifestyle so that they don’t feel overwhelmed and end up discouraged and more stressed than ever.
An Empathetic Approach: We, at Caring Nature, understand that just by asking the employees to cut back on smoking, and introducing 10,000 steps in their daily life, isn’t going to accomplish much. Although the primary goal of corporate wellness should be focused on employee health and wellbeing, but, that comes with an overall top-down education, enlightenment, and empowerment of the entire management and the workforce.
A Satisfied Clientele: Caring Nature proudly, yet humbly, boasts the opportunities we got to work closely with multiple corporate clients, Gojek being one of them. We have come across and dealt with various corporate wellness challenges, and we have treated them as learning opportunities. These opportunities gave us unique experiences and added to our expertise over the years. We are happy to have touched so many lives and changed them for the better.
So why wait? Reach out to us and book your own unique Caring Nature experience to explore a whole new world of corporate wellness and wellbeing. Watch your employees’ energy and performance enhance as their health, wellbeing, and wellness improves and reflects in a positive work ecosystem. As a result you will yield a vastly increased flow of creative and enthusiastic productivity for the company from your employees.