Ayurveda, Yoga and Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Weight management with Ayurveda
With Ayurveda, you would tackle that energetic imbalance in your body that causes excess weight and it will require a gradual change of diet and particular habits. It will eventually result in a lifestyle change of a healthier and happier you!
It does not necessarily mean that you will have to limit your food intake and go through strict restrictions. With Ayurveda, you will simply eliminate certain foods that are not compatible with you and replace them with others.
Ayurveda promises a stable and healthy approach and most importantly – long lasting results of weight management.
Call Now at +62 811 257 6434 for Weight Management Consultant Jakarta Selatan
Weight loss with Yoga
Yoga and breathwork can make you stretch, burn fat, build muscle resistance, increases metabolism to digest food and convert them into healthy neutriants, increase cardio work to directly lose weight.
They also help to calm your nervous system down, develop self-connection and appreciation and as a result, you are able to make better decisions about your food throughout the day. You are less likely to stress eat, your mood improves and you can commit to your workout schedule and be more consistent.
When you are under constant stress, your body tends to store fat and is reluctant to let it go. By reducing overall stress levels in your body with the help of Yoga and breathwork, you are actually sending a different message to your body – it’s safe to let go of that unwanted fat.
Weight control with hypnotherapy
You can uncover the underlying reasons behind the overeating habits. Hypnotherapy uses an individualized approach and it improves your self esteem. People with higher self esteem tend to not binge eat.
Hypnotherapy targets the underlying emotional issues behind your overeating and with time, will help establish new habits to lose weight. Hypnotherapy will help your mind believe that overeating is no longer necessary and will help create completely new behavioral patterns and motivation.
Hypnotherapy is best suited for those people who have trouble sticking to a healthy diet and exercise program because of their negative habits.
We bring you a wealth of wellness knowledge and healing traditions infusing elements of ayurveda, yoga, fitness, hypnotherapy, pranic healing and nutrition. Our programs are created keeping your personal wellness goals and lifestyle interests in mind, as we plan to reclaim what you have lost to time and the unhealthy challenges of modern lifestyle.Contact Weight Management Consultant Jakarta Selatan.