Love and Relationships

Struggling from past to current relationships with others disconnects you from satisfying fundamental human needs to feel loved, accepted, respected, understood, appreciated and supported. Lacking closeness and togetherness, you feel abandoned, unwanted, lonely, unliked, worthless and faulty. That internal dialogue of “I’m not worth it”, “There must be something wrong with me”, or “I’m not good enough” lowers your self value and self esteem, driving you to lose your boundary, rely on validations from others, and overly compromise.

After Schedule the first session with Ophelia where we develop a rapid transformation strategy for you, I lay out a personalized, custom designed to suit your individual needs. Not a single session plan is identical as we prioritize your unique values because you deserve to be valued.

Cultivate an excellent relationship with yourself to love you, then it will turn your world around to build great relationships with others. When you rejoice in bonding, this directs the flourishing you to nurture those blooming dreams that you live up to.

Relationships (Ophelia)

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