Energy and Chakra Balancing

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You are made of energies and energy is all that exists.

Energy is using the electromagnetic and energetic connections with life forces of various forms to heal. During an energy  session you become aware of what needs to be healed in your mind and body. It can be physical pain, illness or emotional disturbances. Relaxation and trust are fundamental to reconnect with your wholeness, and allow the highest level of energy to work for you.

Chakra balancing: Chakras are the energy centers that control different areas of your physical, emotional and energetic bodies. When a chakra is out of balance, you become ill. A modality to rebalance chakras through channelling the cosmic energy, breathing techniques or other techniques is an effective way to address specific conditions.

Sound: Sound is a vibration and vibrations are a form of energy. By using singing bowls, chimes, drums or other ancient instruments, specific vibrations can travel through the water content inside your body and carry the frequency needed to release energy blockages.

Bodywork: A holistic massage that works on the deep tissue level. Emotions, feelings and traumas are energy forms that are stored inside fascia, organs and muscles. They are related to blockages inside your chakras. We help you to release these blockages by moving through the body and guiding your breaths, leading to a trance-life meditative state to allow the body to be receptive and relaxed.

Cosmic lightwork: These are deep meditations that you can practice while connecting with the life sources and calling your high-dimensional beings and spiritual guides to help you with what needs to be released.

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